Filming Amines for Water Treatment
Filming amines, also sometimes referred to as film-forming amines, or polyamines, are a category of products for boilers, closed-loops, and even cooling systems based on the tendency of the products to form a hydrophobic protective film throughout a given system. The products, depending on the application, are typically a blend of film forming amines, neutralizing amines, and dispersants.
Depending on the specific needs of a system, filming amines can achieve a number of benefits such as: inhibiting corrosion, aiding in the prevention or removal of silt and mineral deposits, and acts as a great organic dispersant. As part of a water treatment program, filming amines can play a major role in keeping a water system operating smoothly and efficiently.

Benefits of Filming Amines
Energy and water savings are both major benefits of film-forming amines. The products are all-organic and therefore contribute little to the system conductivity, allowing for higher cycles to be run in the system and reducing blowdown, ultimately saving both energy and water. The formation of the film has a cleaning effect on the system—a cleaner heat exchange surface means better heat transfer and potentially huge energy savings.

Save on Water

Save on Energy

Clean Heat Exchange
Fact Water’s partnership with Odyssee Environnement has allowed for a full offering of filming amine formulations for boilers, cooling towers, and closed-loops, including a product with NSF approval for steam that comes in direct contact with food. Whether a water treatment company looking for a trusted partner in blending or an end user interested in learning more, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Fact Water Representative.
Properties of Film Forming Amines
The properties of the film forming species allow for a film to form on metal surfaces, protecting the surface of the metallurgy from the corrosive species in the water. The resulting film acts as a barrier between the water and the metal surface, preventing many corrosion issues typically found on the waterside surface of a system. The volatility of the products allow for whole system protection, in which a continuous film or barrier can be created and maintained from a single feed point.
The products also have a crystal modifying property that help prevent scaling of heat exchange surfaces. The addition of dispersants into some of the formulations further prevents fouling as a result of potential deposition. Fact Water can help determine exactly what treatment solution is best for your specific system, and provide the expertise to create a plan catered to you.

Custom Water Treatment Program
The needs of a specific water system can vary drastically depending on the application, type and age of equipment, and how often it’s used. A water treatment program curated by experts in the field can help maintain the longevity of equipment, help save money on fuel and water, and maintain optimal performance of the application. Contact us to learn more about how a water treatment program can make your business prosper.